The world's first AI tutor for
GCSE and A-Levels
The world's first
AI tutor for GCSEs
Boost grades 2x with your AI Tutor and Examiner
for all major GCSE, IGCSE, A-Level and IB subjects

A personalised AI tutor.
Medly AI teaches you how to answer every question
in your exams to get full marks.

specific to your exam curriculum
Other AI tutoring platforms are not based on Exam Board Curriculums.
Don't see your subject? Request it here.
The best way to prepare for GCSE English, Maths and Science.
No credit card required.

from the UK's top schools
Exam resources, from revision notes to predicted papers,
written specifically for your Exam Board.
My daughter is quite shy and never liked asking questions in class, now she just asks the AI tutor anything. She's becoming more confident in class too. It's been transformative for her learning.
Lisa K., Parent of Year 11 student

I'll be honest, I didn't expect much when I first tried Medley, but it's genuinely impressed me. I'm a medical student at UCL and also tutor others, so I've seen my fair share of study tools. Medly actually stands out in a good way. The questions are well-designed and pretty close to what you'd see on real exams, which is rare.
Jackie, UCL Medical Student
Private tutoring for every subject would cost us thousands, but with Medly my son gets expert help 24/7 for a fraction of the price. It's like having a personal tutor available whenever he needs one!
Karen M., Parent of Year 11 student
FANTASTIC! Easy to use and navigate and really good for understanding in more depth as if you get something wrong it will help you understand why! I love it so far :)
Sarah, Year 11 student
My son was struggling with maths until we found Medly. The way it explains concepts step-by-step has helped him go from a predicted grade 5 to a solid grade 7. Worth every penny!
Michelle P., Parent

Before Medly, I didn't really know how to answer the questions in my English Language exam. Now I know what the examiners are looking for and how to get full marks. The practice questions are just like the ones from school!
David, Year 10 student
OMG it's like a real life science tutor that's teaching me, but available at any time!
James, Year 10 student
Got this app for my young lads who were struggling with a couple of subjects at school. With one due to take his GCSEs and with one in the latter stages of his A-Level studies, Medly was the perfect fit for both of them.
Yong, Parent of Year 11 and Year 13 students

This app has helped me understand the things that I don't normally understand when I'm at school. Overall this has me speechless because how much I can understand from just 30 mins of using it and I would recommend to everyone!
Raluca, Year 11 student
at a fraction of the cost
Trained to be more effective than personal tutoring,
at just 5% of the cost of private tuition.

for just one subscription
Try for free first. Then choose the plan that aligns with your exams.
Everything you need to revise, all in one spot.
Interested for your school or classroom? Contact us at contact@medlyai.com.
No credit card required. Cancel anytime.